How to write informal letter of Invitation?

Leena Satuluri

In the previous video, you have learnt how to write formal letter of invitation. In this video, we are going to learn how to write informal letter of invitation. Informal letter of invitation isn’t something new in Classes 11 and 12. As primary students, all of you must have written letter inviting your friend or cousin for your birthday party. This is just the same. Only thing is that the letter could be written to your friends, relatives or even special guests for official ceremonies.

While formal invitations are aimed at inviting a lot of people or invitees and are written as invitation cards, formal invitation is meant to invite a specific individual for a specific occasion.

Let us now understand some of the features of informal letter of invitation. This is the simplest of all letters. As told earlier, this letter is meant for a specific individual and cannot be sent to a large number of people. For any occasion that involves a chief invitee, this letter is sent to that person and the invitation card is sent to others with the name of the Chief guest on it.

The sender’s address is mentioned on the top left hand corner. Next, the date of writing letter is supposed to written. Remember, if it is an official invitation, then you can mention To address along with subject but if it is a friendly invitation, you don’t have to write - To address and the subject.The name of the invitee could be mentioned in the Salutation - Ex. Dear Mr. Kabir For complimentary close, you can use ‘Yours sincerely’.

Let us now understand the marking scheme: 1 mark is allotted for the format. Format includes – Sender’s address, date, receiver’s address, subject line, salutation, complimentary close, name and designation. The content carries 2 marks and 1 mark is allotted for expression. In expression, your choice of words and ability to convey your message is checked. So it is important to be precise and avoid repetition.

Let us now practice: Your school is inaugurating ‘Writers’ Club’. As the Literary Secretary of ‘Green Apple School’, Gautam Nagar, Vijayawada, write a letter inviting Mr. Aravind, a popular children’s author for the inauguration ceremony. Since it is an official invitation to Mr. Aravind, remember to mention ‘To address’ and the subject. Remember to be precise about the purpose of the letter. Adhere strictly to the word count – Not more than 50 words. If you follow all these steps, you will surely score 4/4 marks. I hope this video was helpful.

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