Energy Resources (2)

Sunil Bhardwaj

so what are the alternate source of energy first of all % of our energy used today is in the form of fossil fuels forms of energy so we need to look for the alternate energy sources and these are nuclear power geothermal power solar power wind power hydro power ocean tidal energies and biomass energy so let's talk about the nuclear power first of all in an atom the nucleus is surrounded by electrons so if the electrons are taking part in the reaction that will be called as chemical reaction but if the nucleus is taking part in the reaction then we will call it as nuclear reaction so in this case again the nuclear reactions are happening and there are two types of nuclear reactions one is fission another is in fusion fusion means as the name suggests two smaller nucleus fuchsias to make a bigger nucleus while in the fission one bigger nucleus breaks down into two smaller nuclei so this is the overall process both the process fusion and fission produces a huge amount of energy which is in the form of heat and that heat we is utilized to boil the water and water is converted into steam this steam is used to rotate the turbines and then produce the electricity so the process is quite simple all right it is obtained from through fission or fusion or electro materials leading a large amount of the e energy the availability of uranium and other radioactive elements is limited there are many environmental and security concerns over the use of nuclear energy and what are the main advantages and disadvantage first of all high cost of building and operating technical issues questionable safety and deadly radioactive waste nuclear power plants as well as well nuclear weapons testing creates contaminated now let's talk about geothermal power first of all earth as everybody knows inside the earth there is lava so if we go deep inside the earth up to four thousand miles deep we can have a temperature of degrees Fahrenheit which is really very high temperature so this heat can be utilized for production of energy or electricity heat from the earth is known as geothermal energy the conversion of natural heat from the Earth's interior to heat buildings and generate electricity is geothermal power plundering consider a non-renewable source when extracted extraction rates are in greater than supply there are two types of geothermal energy one is low temperature use of groundwater which is almost degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius around the year and second one is high temperature they use deep wells over hundred fields and and groundwater is used as the heat source in winter and as a coolant in summer any shall cost a higher but the cost of run is very much lower this is the layout of the geothermal power plant where we have did we generally dig we generally do a very deep hole and we supply the cold water which goes inside and there it is heated and converted into streams so another pipes they extract the steam and this rotates the turbine while that well generating the electricity similarly we can use the same energy for heating our houses as well as cooling our houses for cooling we don't need to go very deep inside the earth we can make big only up to to feet where the temperature is only degree Celsius so hot water can be supplied inside the ground and it will cool down to degree Celsius and then this cold water can cool the houses this Oh loop of loops can be in any shape like horizontal like in the loop or it can be kept inside the pool also so what are the advantages and disadvantage first of all it is very high effect is having very high efficiency it is the low temperature geothermal is becoming much cheaper to install and the technology is already in place for it to become successful another thing is aha it is highly local it is having highly local resources withdraw of large amount of steam or water from the geothermal resources may affect the ecosystem another is there is noise pollution because of the drilling operation you

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